#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
This video is a really pretty visualization of the A* pathfinding algorithm using #OpenStreetMap road network data for #Chicago and #Rome as examples.
#Dataviz books everyone should read - a community sourced #charticle https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/dataviz-books/ Created in association with @DataVizSociety #iibwab
How a small detail in #DataViz can change your understanding of the data. I have these 20 scatterplots for 20 various climate models. It seems that in some models there's a relationship, in other not so much, and in some it's clearly non-linear while in others is harder to tell.
Next, I used a fixed scale for all panels and also added all dots in gray to each panel. Whoa, that's different! Now it looks like each model is representing a different part of the population!
Some light reading for a bit of a distraction, if you will: Vivian Li from @thepudding looked at how "cultures can hear the same physical sounds yet translate them into language so differently".
Neat. My "Analyzing fediverse followers of my creative online bots" data visualization was accepted for this year's Information is Beautiful Awards' longlist.
Pretty fascinating look at how "Covid changed everything", in 30 charts.
"Decades from now, the pandemic will be visible in the historical data of nearly anything measurable today: an unmistakable spike, dip or jolt that officially began for Americans five years ago this week."
We are #hiring! We are seeking a skilled part-time research software engineer to provide leadership on the implementation of an open software and data infrastructure in support of the new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Diversity in Data Visualization (DIVERSE CDT).
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have just been updated through February 2025, which was one of the most anomalous months on record for this region: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-temperatures/
For #internationalwomensday check out our timeline of the eventful life of Alice Thornton (1626-1707). What made 1668 a peak year? Her husband died and her 14-year-old daughter married. But, of the 31 events we have marked up in our Digital Edition for that year, 13 are event type 'Slander'.
#DataViz #WomensHistory #DH
@earlymodern @histodons @histodon @litodons
I'm not really sure when @micahflee made his Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations book free to read online, but if it's been on your wish list, now's your chance to give it a read, and if you enjoy it, and can afford to, support the author.
Buy here: https://hacksandleaks.com/
Unabhängig davon, ob Faktenchecks tatsächlich gelesen werden, quält mich die Frage: Wie lange hat man als Redaktion wohl Zeit, einen Faktencheck zu erarbeiten?
Hier ein Versuch das Aufmerksamkeitspotential für einen Faktencheck über Bluesky bzw Mastodon Posts abzubilden:
A woman's age vs. the age of the men who look best to her vs the same chart for men.
(classic #dataviz of @Okcupid data)
#Arctic climate rankings are now in for January 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have now been updated through January 2025. Though, check out the daily data too... another North Pole winter warming spike is occurring.
Graphs: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-temperatures/ #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData
My #Arctic sea-ice thickness and volume graphics are updated for January 2025 using PIOMAS data (https://zacklabe.com/arctic-sea-ice-volumethickness/). This month was the 2nd lowest January volume on record. #SciComm #DataViz #OpenScience #OpenData
Las prisiones españolas usan un #algoritmo sin actualizar desde 1993 para decidir sobre permisos de salida.
Más de 200 resoluciones del 2024 citan el resultado de la TVR como motivo para denegar u otorgar permisos penitenciarios.
Clasifica a los presos extranjeros sin arraigo como de riesgo elevado, aunque carezcan de otro factor de riesgo.
Te lo contamos en la nueva investigación de Ter García y @dcabo, con #dataviz de @carmen_tm y Adrián Maqueda.
Datenprojekt ist (vorläufig) fertig. Lanz-Mining sammelt Daten zu allen großen ÖR Talkshows
Die fünf größten ÖR Talkshows produzieren in einem Monat zwischen 3.5 und 4.3 erste Staffeln von Squid Game an Content.
#Lanz hat eine so starke Sendekraft das er im Alleingang die am häufigsten geladene Person bestimmen kann.