Party power is key to autocrats maintaining control amid corruption, study finds

Party power is key to autocrats maintaining control amid corruption, study finds
I study refugees, and here are the facts on the history and impact of refugee resettlement in the US
We are happy to announce that NewsBank is confirmed as an exhibitor at the #IPSA2025 World Congress of #politicalscience in Seoul. NewsBank has been a premier provider of the world's largest repository of reliable information for more than 50 years.
Two short Research Methods Courses are offered in conjunction with the #IPSA2025 World Congress on 12 July 2025. Advance registration is required as places are limited.
Registration deadline: 8 May 2025
New article published! “From Quarantine to Deglobalisation” by Tabea Scharrer, our RTG member Chinwe Beneditte Ogbonna, and Gerhild Perl is out in “Routed: Migration & (Im)mobility Magazine” (Issue 26). It explores shifting mobility under pandemic constraints. Read it here:
@unifreiburg @dfg_public @politicalscience @sociology @mehlera @histodons #migration #globalstudies #academicpublishing #histodons #sociology #politicalscience
Don't miss today's #DiSCourseSeminar with Hauke Licht, DiSC & @PolSciUIBK, at 12:00 (CET) at DiSC, Innrain 15, 6020 Innsbruck or on Big Blue Button:
Topic: Metadata-aware transformer fine-tuning: Mitigating regression-to-mean bias in text classification
Learn more:
#Job: Two PhD positions (65%, TV-L E13) with a regional focus on #EasternEuropa and/or #SoutheasternEurope for our new Politics Department at the #LeibnizIOS. #PoliticalScience, #InternationalRelations or related. Apply by March 28th
1/10 Disinformation is a persistent threat to democracies, but its impact differs across Cognitive Warfare, Foreign Information Manipulation & Interference (FIMI), and Hybrid Threats.
Rather than competing, these concepts complement each other—each targeting distinct vulnerabilities. Understanding their differences is key to designing better counterstrategies.
Read here:
#Disinformation #CognitiveWarfare #FIMI #HybridThreats #politicalscience
Since the #EU Council stopped to publish #voting #data in bulk and there seem to be no accessible datasets, I scraped the voting record from the Council's legislative transparency website and uploaded it to the OSF. Enjoy.
The data starts in December 2009 and ends yesterday (11 March 2025), because that's what the Council makes public.
Job - Alert
Deadline: 2025-04-15
Location: Germany, Potsdam, Brandenburg
No Political Parties
None. Not one. Nope. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Zip.
This new democracy has no political parties.
The political parties are the disease that is holding humanity back.
The political scientists believe that political parties are the only way to govern. Yet look at where the USA is today.
Anselm Kiefer Wonders if We’ll Ever Learn
As a sprawling new exhibit opens in two museums in Amsterdam, the German artist fears that history is repeating itself.
#art #AntiFascism #PoliticalScience
The submission deadline is approaching to participate in the #IPSA2025 World Congress Video Contest to win a free registration. Create a short video sharing your journey to the #IPSA2025 World Congress of #PoliticalScience in Seoul.
Deadline: 20 March
Change We Want; Change We Don't Want
A summary of five groups of political thinkers on democracy:
Warning: not one group is advocating for building a new democracy.
Democracy in Central America Is on the Brink
Difference between far-right, radical-right, and extreme-right.
right = { mainstream-right ∪ far-right }
far-right = {radical-right ∪ extreme-right }
"We can distinguish between radical and extreme versions of both the far left and far right, where radical movements work for change within the framework of democracy
whereas extremists reject democracy and are willing to use violence or other non-conventional means to achieve their goals."
Many far-right parties have members from both radical and extreme right.
Extreme-Right Violence and
Terrorism: Concepts, Patterns, and
Authors: Tore Bjørgo & Jacob Aasland Ravnda
Die neusten Analysen, ganz frisch und unbequem.
#PostDoc #Job
Join us: For our new Politics Department at the #LeibnizIOS we offer two positions (100%, TV-L E13) with a focus on #EasternEurope or #SoutheasternEuropa as soon as possible. #PoliticalScience, #InternationalRelations or related. Deadline: March 28th
Democrats Aren't Popular. What should they do about it?