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✊🏾 Reject the expansion of Europol’s powers!

Members of the #ProtectNotSurveil coalition, including EDRi's @chlobemy, have recently published a much-noticed opinion piece on the #Europol reform.

Read the article to find out "Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillance" and tell us what you think ⤵️ edri.org/our-work/why-the-new-

European Digital Rights (EDRi)Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillance - European Digital Rights (EDRi)The EU Commission’s proposal for a new Europol Regulation is a pretext for unchecked expansion of power and resources for Europol.

Bündnis #ProtectNotSurveil: #Europol-Reform ablehnen!

Statt Menschen auf der Flucht zu schützen, würde ein Vorschlag der EU-Kommission Menschen weniger sicher machen und kriminalisieren.
Mit dabei: 💸💶💰. 50 zusätzliche Stellen und 50 Millionen zusätzliches Budget für Europol, u.a. für biometrische Überwachungstechnik.

Mehr Informationen und das vollständige Positionspapier bei unserem europäischen Dachverband @edri:

European Digital Rights (EDRi)Protect Not Surveil position paper: Stop Europol’s expanding digital surveillance against migrants! - European Digital Rights (EDRi)The Protect Not Surveil coalition published its position paper on the newest Europol reform today. The Europol reform must be rejected.
Continued thread

Stay tuned for the #ProtectNotSurveil position paper on the #Europol reform TOMORROW!

The European Commission is claims to protect vulnerable asylum seekers, but beneath this veneer lies a far more insidious reality. In truth, this approach fuels harm and discrimination towards people on the move while empowering the EU’s policing agency with unprecedented surveillance capabilities and insufficient oversight.

We know you can’t wait to read it. So here’s a sneak peek:
➡️ euobserver.com/migration/ar62d

EUobserver · Why the new Europol regulation is a Trojan Horse for surveillanceThe EU Commission is framing these proposals as a humanitarian effort to “curb exploitation” by “ruthless smuggling gangs” — but this disguises a more insidious reality.
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Remember how #Europol got involved in #ChatControl, one of the EU’s most controversial proposals of all time?
The so called “Chat Control” legislation would have providers scan private messages on the devices of users. Europol asked to extend the scope of content scanned for, requested unfiltered access to the data and asked to be able to use it for any purpose, e.g. extending their AI surveillance capabilities.

Catch up on the full story here:

Balkan Insight · Europol Sought Unlimited Data Access in Online Child Sexual Abuse RegulationAccording to minutes released under FOI, the European police agency pushed for unfiltered access to data that would be obtained under a proposed new scanning system for detecting child sexual abuse images on messaging apps, with a view, experts say, to training AI algorithms.
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Natalie Gruber helped people in need who suffered violent pushbacks – and experienced first hand what it is like to be falsely criminalised and land in a #Europol database.

The latest Europol reform proposal would worsen the criminalisation of solidarity.

In a powerful article she shares her experience and reminds us of the agency’s role in the violent European border regime.

Read more: ⤵️

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Did you know #Europol is a “data black hole”? ⚫

In 2022 the European Data Protection Supervisor (Europol's watchdog) ordered the agency to delete personal data amassed unlawfully.

But Europol wanted to use it to train AI policing systems and sat out the order until the last Europol reform retroactively legalised this illegal data collection.

Read more:

#ProtectNotSurveil demands to hold Europol accountable instead of granting it more surveillance powers!

We will publish our position paper on the EU’s #Europol reform soon!
In the week leading up to the launch, we reflect on this controversial European police cooperation agency.

As the Protect Not Surveil coalition, we challenge the use of digital technologies at different levels of EU policies and advocate for the ability of people to move and to seek safety and opportunity without risking harm, surveillance or discrimination.

Follow @edri and #ProtectNotSurveil to learn more!

We will publish our position paper on the EU’s #Europol reform soon!
In the week leading up to the launch, we reflect on this controversial European police cooperation agency.

As Protect Not Surveil coalition, we challenge the use of digital technologies at different levels of EU policies and advocate for the ability of people to move and to seek safety and opportunity without risking harm, surveillance or discrimination.

Follow us and #ProtectNotSurveil to learn more!

The EU's #AIAct experts consultation on the definition of an AI system and on prohibited AI practices closed on Dec 11. But loopholes still threaten #FundamentalRights.

The #AIActCivilSociety and the #ProtectNotSurveil coalitions demand guidelines that ban #SocialScoring, #BiometricSurveillance, and other harmful practices. We call on the AI Office to ensure the upcoming guidelines will provide a fundamental rights-based enforcement of the AI Act.

👉 algorithmwatch.org/en/statemen

Auf die Straße, für Menschlichkeit und gegen das #Unsicherheitspaket der #Ampel. Gleich geht es in #Berlin los:

17:30, Willy-Brandt-Haus

Hintergrund zum sogenannten #Sicherheitspaket und der Kritik daran bei @netzpolitik_feed:

Nicht in Berlin? Teilt den Aufruf und organisiert doch auch eine Kundgebung!

Wenn Flucht und Migration mit einer Brille der (Un-)Sicherheitspolitik behandelt werden, dann sind die Folgen: unverhältnismäßige Grundrechtseinschränkungen und intransparentes Verwaltungshandeln. @ckoever von @netzpolitik_feed bringt ein bisschen Licht ins Dunkle:

Man stelle sich nur mal vor, Behörden wären von der Politik mit genauso viel Priorität und Kapazitäten ausgestattet um Geflüchteten zu helfen, statt sie zu verdächtigen und auszuforschen…

netzpolitik.org · Rheinland-Pfalz: Eine Abschiebe-Behörde, die Handys durchsuchtMit der Zentralstelle für Rückführungsfragen hat Rheinland-Pfalz eine eigene Abschiebe-Behörde geschaffen, die inzwischen sogar Handys von ausreisepflichtigen Geflüchteten durchsucht. Verträge dazu hält das Land geheim, die Datenschutzbehörde wusste von nichts. Wir veröffentlichen Kommunikation zur Anschaffung des Software.