@tante@tldr.nettime.orgA fundamental issue, a sort of language barrier, is that to a
#hacker software is speech.
So the invite to study and modify the code is an invite to a conversation (and often a political one).
While you interpret the invite to fork as a way to counter a criticism, it is a validation of the value of such criticism. It's like saying: "hey, that's a great idea, but I don't have the energy/skill/resources/time to try explore it myself: why don't you give a try yourself? It will be fun!"
That's also how you can distinguish a free software built from hackers by a corporate open source with the same license: if you announce a fork, the hacker will be happy, because you are using and studying their work and giving back by exploring new paths, while the corporation will cry about the community split and similar bullshit.
#FreeSoftware is neither a solution to people problems nor a new identity: it's a gift.
A gift with political hopes and sometimes with some rules for reciprocity (
#copyleft) designed to maximize the benefit that tje whole humanity get from such gift.
But still, just a gift.
Free Software hackers don't want to turn every people into hackers (
#RMS is pretty explicit about that), and this is likely one of its worse limits. In fact,
#FSF talk about it as an ethical choise instead of a civic duty.
What they were missing is that a "freedom" that only few people can enact is in fact a privilege.
Unfortunately, in a cybernetic society where the overwhelming majority of agents defining the evolution of the world is constituted by software (thousands automatic agent for each human), people who cannot program, cannot really understand how the world they live in is ruled and by who.
So, like it or not, hacking is a prerequisite to a full citizenship in a cybernetic society just like reading and writing was in an industrial one in the last two centuries.
We can pretend otherwise, and the billionaries running
#BigTech corporations are more then happy if we do. But ultimately, we are going to be alienated, if we don't start fighting back.