#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.

#Arctic climate rankings are now in for February 2025: https://zacklabe.com/archive-2025/. This was a historic month for the region with record warm conditions and record low sea ice relative to any prior February.
Open Context has been getting overwhelmed by bots. Again. Huge range of IP addresses, many, many user-agent strings that look like human controlled browsers, but all accessing random pages of content.
If I'm blocking your IP address and you want #opendata in #archaeology I apologize.
If anyone knows mitigation strategies, please let me know. It's one more form of bullshit that makes the political and cultural calamities feel even more overwhelming.
Update. "The Data Hoarders Resisting Trump’s Purge. Can #librarians and guerrilla archivists save the country’s files from #DOGE.
"Lynda Kellam, a social scientist and data librarian,…who’s served in leadership positions at two Ivy League universities, described the vulnerable data as “irreplaceable.”…Kellam told me that she’d participated in a small data-preservation effort during Trump’s first term, but had never seen anything like the frenzy that ignited in late January, when the #CDC began removing information from its website. Kellam was encouraged, but worried about a lack of coördination. What if the backups languished on private hard drives? What if archivists duplicated one another’s work? She created a Google Doc to centralize information about preëxisting initiatives—an archive of archives, with detailed instructions on how to contribute to each…Kellam met with the heads of other data-librarian organizations, and together they founded the #DataRescueProject."
Update. "#APDU [Association of Public Data Users] Statement on #Education Research and #Data"
"On Tuesday, March 11, 2025, over 1,000 staff from the Department of Education [#DOE] were laid off. This includes almost all staff from the Institute of Education Sciences (#IES), which housed the National Center for Education Statistics (#NCES)…NCES is mandated by law to report on the condition of education annually, collect and disseminate key education data, and support state and local education agencies…The [layoffs] make it unclear how NCES will meet its legal obligations under the Education Sciences Reform Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, the Information Quality Act, and other federal laws…Congress and policymakers must act to ensure NCES has the resources to meet its statutory obligations. Stakeholders—including researchers, educators, and state leaders—must demand transparency on how education data will be maintained."
Hi there, has anyone from the #OpenData bubble gained experience on what and how certain AI tools can deliver good results for users when creating #documentation about data?
I have had particularly good experiences in structuring documentation well.
But beyond that?
If someone needs to backup all USDA SNOTEL data (as climate adjacent) and therefore "reasons", here is gist using my {snotelr} #rstats package.
Ich baue an meinem Hobbyprojekt fuer @minkorrekt und bemerke an den Statistiken, dass bisher 974 Themen behandelt wurden. In 13 Folgen gibt es ein besonderes Jubilaeum. #NochNichtOnline #ScienceMatters #OpenData #Minkorrekt
War ja neugierig auf die #Fotos in der #Denkmalliste. Herausgekommen ist diese Bilder-Galerie als #OpenData Demo-App: https://tomkyle.github.io/opendata-kulturdenkmale-galerie/
Will jemand mitmachen? Würd mich ja freuen!
Diskussion: https://github.com/tomkyle/opendata-kulturdenkmale-galerie/discussions
Bugs/Issues: https://github.com/tomkyle/opendata-kulturdenkmale-galerie/issues
@depressiveRobot und was macht eigentlich das #opendata thema?
Die bevölkerungsreichsten Städte Deutschlands wurden genauer unter die genommen. #Dortmund hatte beim #OpenData Vergleich die Nase weit vorne! Mit 584 Datensätzen beweist die Stadt Transparenz. Ob freie Parkplätze, Zoo-Tiere oder Babynamen - stöbern kannst du hier
Veranstaltungstipp: in 3 Wochen findet der 10. Hackday für #OpenData in Moers statt.
#ODD25 stats 189 events
57 countries
15+ languages
75% of events in the Global Majority
Thank you to the global #opendata community for another impactful and widespread #OpenDataDay.
Check out the impact and activities report: https://buff.ly/8x8p8tG
The MISP project maintains and offers a comprehensive knowledge base covering threat actors, ransomware groups, malware, and more.
Even if you don't use MISP, you can now easily search across all MISP Project knowledge bases, including galaxies, taxonomies, and MISP object templates.
wer für mehr #opendata im #bundestag ist, kann sich gern für die #datenpflege bewerben: https://www.bundestag.de/services/karriere/stellenausschreibungen/stellen/stellen/stelle-id3-8-02042025-1023114 #openbundestag (e13/14, befristet bis 31.12.29)
This a simulation - wir werden bald von Mr. Burns regiert, über dem Teich herrscht ein mürber Kürbis als Absolutist nebst zu nah an der Wand geschaukelten Sidekick
Out in the #open dokumentiert ein paar dieser Entwicklung, auch ihre Auswirkungen auf #OpenData #OpenSource #OpenScience und #OpenAccess
Vielleicht ein letzter Weckruf für eine starke Zivilgesellschaft, europäische Werte zu verteidigen, deren fortdauernde Existenz keine Selbstverständlichkeit mehr ist
The NLA's suspension of my #Trove API access has been picked up in this news story from the Australian Computing Society: https://ia.acs.org.au/article/2025/national-library-cracks-down-on-public-data-access.html #GLAM #OpenData
My monthly #Arctic temperature graphics have just been updated through February 2025, which was one of the most anomalous months on record for this region: https://zacklabe.com/arctic-temperatures/
#ossym25 will take us to Finland this fall!
The 7th International Open Search Symposium brings together the #OpenSearch & #OpenData Community for 3 consecutive days.
Curious what to expect?
If you haven't attended #ossym in the past, you can get some impressions from #ossym24 – which was hosted by Leibniz Supercomputing Centre – in our video below.
OpenWebSearch.eu is an active partner in the #OpenSearchInitiative. We hope to see you in #Helsinki in the fall!